Sunday, January 1st Happy New Year It's 64° and very foggy... And still... And quiet... And my coffee's brewed... And so far, not much has happened around here in the new year ... That's a very good thing...
Saturday, New Years Eve It's a cool and foggy morning to end the year 2022 on. Here's wishing each and every one of you a safe and happy New Year... 3:00 p.m. on the back porch. It's 76° out here. I had to turn the ceiling fans on because…
Friday It's wet... It's 62°... Since yesterday afternoon over an inch of rain has fallen. What a difference a week can make and looks of the world around me. That is, if you throw in a few days freezing weather... The number of leaves hanging on to the branches of…
Thursday It's a pleasant 61° out this morning. I can't really say that it feels like the last days of December. And, the prognosticators tell us it's going to get warmer by the new year. It's just a bit foggy out this morning... Very damp. The clouds are moving north…
Wordless Wednesday Except for... Happy Birthday Breanna...
Tuesday The sun is up... The sky is a deep blue. Cloudless. It's a blue that only appears in winter. On cold, crisp mornings. Maybe we should name it... Winter's Blue... We are in the post Christmas doldrums. The days between Christmas and New Years... Between anticipation and anxiety... The…
Monday Well, the big day is over... Peace and quietude has descended over this house once again. Listening to music in my big easy chair... I don't have much to say this morning so I'll leave you with what I'm listening to right now...
Merry ChristmasIt's Sunday, December 25th It's a busy morning here in Coffee Muses land. So, this post was written and scheduled in advance... I will say that for only the second or third time in my life... It actually feels like what we always thought Christmas should feel like. I'm…
Saturday, Christmas Eve Here's wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Peaceful New Year,,, Christmas in the Wild, Gary Boyd I am not an artist. But I wanted to paint something for the holidays... So I did. I guess I should sign it, but I'm really…
Friday This Old PorchThe weather outside is frightful... My Old Porch, Christmas Morning 2004 This old porch is just a long timeOf waiting and forgettingAnd remembering the coming backAnd not crying about the leavingAnd remembering the falling downAnd the laughter of the curse of luckFrom all of those sons-of-bitchesWho said…
Thursday Winter is coming... Real Winter... Not this fake stuff we normally have pass thru Houston on the way to the Gulf of Mexico. Hard freeze all the way to the coast. All of the local governments are getting upset,,, but they are still shutting down for a long Christmas…
Wordless Wednesday - Winter inter Solstice
Tuesday While it's not cold out per se... It does have a look of winter. The temperature is hovering right around the 50° mark where it will pretty much stay for the next two days. The prognosticators are foretelling that we might even see 70° temperatures before the bottom falls…
Monday The calm before the storm... There is an overcast to the day... A heaviness hanging in the air... A portent of expectations blowing on the winds... A coastal low pressure system is helping to drive rain showers across the metro area this morning, and these will continue on and…
Friday It's almost 10° warmer this morning. Still, it's much more seasonable than the above 70° start we've been having. The Christmas Day forecast is out... The low Christmas morning will be in the '30s. The high Christmas Day will just reach 50°... About what it is right now. It…
Thursday It's finally feeling like the season... again. After teasing us with an early week of colder than normal weather, Mother Nature brought summer back for a long visit... Today we've moved back to feeling like it looks... 42 degrees on the porch this morning. I guess it's time to…
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday It's already 72° this morning. Looking at the trees you're given a very ambiguous picture of what season we are in. The Red oak has lost almost all of its leaves, even the balls Cypress is looking mighty bare. You have the temperature is anything but December-like. At least…
Sunday It's a cool 66° this morning and the light rain is falling. Though, the thunder makes it sound like it should be raining harder... I spent yesterday playing that fun game of new computer updating. I really understand why that game exists. But for some reason to have to…
Saturday The sun is up fully. And while the temperature is cool at 69°, it's quite warm on the back porch. We just have another week or so of the sun's southerly movement on the horizon before it starts moving north again. Then another cycle will begin As usual, on…
Friday It's another foggy morning. Even the sounds are muffled. The temperature is 71°. And with the moisture in the air it's a cool 71°.... It's the end of another week. We are getting closer and closer to the Christmas weekend. I really don't find myself with much to say…
Thursday Well, once again it's warm and muggy. The temperature starting today is 72°. Almost all of the leaves have fallen from the Red Oak. The pictures above show yesterday and today's leaf coverage. And with the overcast that starts each day, it really looks like winter outside though decidedly…
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday It's another warm one today. It's already 71°. The prognosticators say this is what we have to look forward to for the rest of the week. We might see it cool down after this coming weekend. But the progression of color in my backyard goes on. Although the color…
Monday The morning is warm and foggy... 67° with a dense fog advisory. The prognosticators are foretelling if a high temperature today is 79°. Not a very fall-like weather pattern we're having this week... With highs of about 80 or above for the next 7 days. My sons came over…
Sunday It's a pleasant 64° out this morning. Overcast, still... Not a breeze blowing. The progression of color is moving from the tree to the ground. I find myself in that in between space. I've ordered a new laptop because the one here at the house has been getting glitchy.…
Saturday it's an almost warm and sticky mess out this morning. With the temperature of 72° and a humidity of 96%, our cool fall days are definitely in the rearview mirror. Last night after dark the fog that threatened yesterday afternoon rolled in. This morning only vestiges remain. As colorful…
Friday And just like that, the weather, she has turned on a dime... The morning temperature is 64°. And the humidity is up. Which makes the fall colors pop. At this point I almost feel like I'm living in one of GC Myers red tree paintings. For my whole life…
Thursday It's another beautiful fall sunrise. The temperature is a brisk 45°. But, fall's going to slip back into a more summer like few days. The highs for the rest of the week will be pushing 80° if not above. On top of that I see there's a chance of…