December Day 3


it’s an almost warm and sticky mess out this morning. With the temperature of 72° and a humidity of 96%, our cool fall days are definitely in the rearview mirror.

Last night after dark the fog that threatened yesterday afternoon rolled in. This morning only vestiges remain.

As colorful as my Red oak is, the ground underneath it is beginning to match the canopy. A canopy that grows more tattered as the windy days go by…

I spent yesterday afternoon playing at making a video again… Here’s the result…

And here’s the Jeb Loy Nichols song I mentioned… It is one of the first songs of his that I ever heard. Between the words and the voice I became a fan. Have a listen…

2 thoughts on “December Day 3

    1. I think I first heard him on World Cafe back in the early 2000’s. Since most of his stuff comes from England it’s been fun chasing some of it down.

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