December Day 4


It’s a pleasant 64° out this morning. Overcast, still… Not a breeze blowing. The progression of color is moving from the tree to the ground.

I find myself in that in between space. I’ve ordered a new laptop because the one here at the house has been getting glitchy. And yet, between the ordering and the receiving, a two-week or more period… The Wi-Fi on my existing laptop has gone kaput. And without a close location to my working place, I can’t plug into the network. And I’ve never been one to do my online browsing from my phone.

But even old dogs learn new tricks. So, while I await the arrival of a USB Wi-Fi dongle I will learn to use my phone… But I must admit that doing so burns through the battery more than I’m used to. Oh well …

Some time today my sons will both be over for a bit to help put up the outdoor lighting…. T’is their mother’s favorite season.

Enjoy your Sunday and I’ll catch you on the other side…