It's already after noon. I'm still drinking coffee so this still qualifies as my afternoon coffee muse. As I write this the first rumbles of thunder are rolling around the house. The thunderstorms the prognosticators were foretelling of are making their presence known. I've been perusing the interwebs this morning.…
Weekends don't start like weekdays. So here it is almost 10am and I haven't stepped outside. Breakfast is cooked but I stopped to post a quick note before we get busy with our weekly grocery run. In more normal times this would be a Busy Bee breakfast... even if it…
“Americans now seek Life without fear of pandemic, Liberty to choose their leaders in an environment free of disease and the pursuit of Happiness without undue restrictions,” My father could use a little mercy now The fruits of his labor fall and rot slowly on the ground His work is almost over it won't be long, he won't be around I love my father, he could use some mercy now My brother could use a little…
It's the middle of winter but you'd never know it from the weather... Our ten day forecast looks like this... We're heading up to almost 80° in the coming week. I've been noticing a difference in our bird visitors in the past few years. I haven't seen any Crested Titmouses…
It's warm outside... warmer than normal for this time of year. Almost as warm as it is inside. And the heat is on. Outside it's 65º... inside it's 68º. And, it's overcast. The prognosticators have been foretelling of storms forming by tomorrow... and not the metaphorical storms caused by the…
It's frosty out there this morning. I wasn't expecting it... It's also pretty frosty in Washington. I listened to much of the hearings yesterday. What really came thru for me was the hate Republicans feel for Democrats... even as they accuse us of hating President Trump. Even as President Trump…
A cool, bright morning with clearing fog. Sadly, the fog in America politics isn't clearing. Between alternative facts and subjective truths, there is a fog of obstruction, a smokescreen of lies and conspiracy theories. With the President and his apologists screaming about fake news of their own admittance, Fox News…
Cool... quiet... There's a silence in the world this morning... an anticipation of awakening... A fluttering of feathers... a sudden bursting of birdsong... and suddenly, the silence is gone as if it never existed.. Enjoy the day...
Yesterday's rains left it cooler this morning. The prognosticators are foretelling of another front this weekend. Winds of change are blowing... Today's photo...
There's a lite rain falling this morning. Heat still hits you in the face in this summer that never ends,
Humid, very, very humid this morning. Not feeling the muse this morning.. So here's the photo of the morning... 0
I wasn't able to enjoy the weather change last week. I was under the weather myself. An end of summer cold knocked me out for a few days... then, it took a few more to recuperate. Sitting out on the back porch this morning, light rain falling... it's cool, but…
I'm waiting for round two. Another front coming down to reinforce the cool that came thru on Monday. Today is just wet... foggy condensation dripping from the roof. Evidently I'm coming down with a cold... scratchy thought, slight cough. Muscle aches. All coming on yesterday late afternoon. I spoke to…
Out before sunrise on this cool morning. The first time in what seems like forever that the outside and the inside temperature are a wash. It's quiet, it's still, it's cool... not a normal morning. But, I love it and could live with plenty more mornings like this... Have a…
A change is coming... feel it you can... hear it you can... sense it you can... We can put a pin in the Family Reunion. A vote was taken and an end was announced. So there will never be a 61st Annual. When all was said and done, half of…
Today is a roadtrip day. The 60th Annual Boyd-Cox Family Reunion. The piece above was made by my cousin Melba. The coat of arms came from my cousin Jim. His wife Bettie sent it to me this month after he passed away. We need to hit the road shortly, so…
So, the summer that never ends might be ending next week. It can't be soon enough for me. I am so ready for the heat to moderate for another trip around the sun. The muse can't compete with the grandkids streaming YouTube videos... so I think I'll post today's photo…
Summer continues. I received word yesterday via a letter in a package of family relics that another of my first cousins past away last month. James Albert Boyd, Jim was 80. We only became acquainted about 20 years ago. It was at a family reunion where our love of family…
Another summer morning hanging on into fall. A bit of morning fog hangs low over the neighbor's yard. The warm stillness feels like a too long goodbye to summer. It's also another morning of impeachment news and, of course, Presidential Tweets. In other news, the prognosticators are foretelling of a…
Another overly warm humid morning in southeast Texas. Hummingbirds still fight for dominance at the feeders. I have heard low flying aircraft pass over the past few days. So maybe we'll see fewer mosquitoes. Though, so far the evidence doesn't seem to suggest it's working. I see that a large…
Hello October. It's time to feel a change on the air... past time. I was reading yesterday online that should we reach October 7th without a cool front, it will break a record for the latest cool front since records have been kept. Once again, my coffee muses are happening…
Goodbye September.
As we reach the end of another month it seems the months are flying by this year. Once again, I'm hiding inside from the three fiends of southeast Texas... mosquitoes, heat, and humidity. The morning is headed towards the top of the clock and I need to get moving so…
I don't understand weekends. Even though there is no difference between weekends and the rest of the week for me, sleeping in on weekends is still a thing. Summer lingers outside. Mosquitoes still swarm. I have not seen nor heard any evidence of the aerial spraying the county warned of…
It's overcast this morning. Even so, I'm inside... hiding from the bloodsuckers outside. Still I'm attacked by the invaders inside the house. The buzzing in my ear causing me to dodge... and slap... missing the little bug. That being said, the seasons are turning... slowly... very slowly. I hear from…
Mosquitoes... that's becoming the theme of the week around my neck of woods. Impeachment... that's becoming the theme of the week on the internets and news. Quite late. Should of happened long ago. Hummingbirds... the bulk of them seem to have moved on without waiting for a cool front to…
Even though it's officially the beginning of fall, the weather outside tells a different story. Heat, humidity, mosquitoes, it seems like early summer to me. Finally, Washington has come to the conclusion that the President's criminal behavior has to be held accountable. It's too bad that so many of our…
The neighborhood crows just moved thru the yard looking for a handout. The hummingbirds are fighting everywhere. The sun peaks over the eastern treeline. Something keeps bending the bird feeder pole to the ground and eating all of the seeds. Well, the sun is up and in my eyes, so…
The heat and humidity hit me in the face hard. Not a pleasant morning to enjoy the back porch. So here I sit, inside, on the laptop, checking out the world. We have a ton of things to do today. Plus another trip to Galveston. So I'll keep this short...