Sunday, May 24, 2020

It’s already after noon. I’m still drinking coffee so this still qualifies as my afternoon coffee muse.

As I write this the first rumbles of thunder are rolling around the house. The thunderstorms the prognosticators were foretelling of are making their presence known.

I’ve been perusing the interwebs this morning. And, I have to say, I can’t believe the unabashed hero worship of the president*. The only explanation that comes to me is… we live in different worlds. There’s the real world and there is Fox World. And if you inhabit Fox World no amount of real world data can intrude on your belief in the infalibility of your hero. Here’s hoping their hero worship doesn’t lead to the death of us all.

The wind is blowing fairly gusty outside. If not for that the “real feel” of the high temperatures and humidity would make it feel more like July or August.

Time to move on, so y’all enjoy the Memorial Day weekend. Stay safe, stay healthy, and please… wear a mask when you’re out in public.