2023 Day 118

Friday April 28th It's one of those beautiful, seldom seen, cool and bright spring days. This year has been particularly uncommon in the scarcity of bright, clear days. Good morning's temperature is 60°. The winds are calm. And there's just a touch if you get it to your mirror. Though…

2023 Day 112

Saturday April 22 It's a cool 63° this morning. It's almost a cloudless sky outside. There's just a bit of a breeze blowing this morning.. lightly, just enough to make the leaves twinkle to the rising Sun. It's Saturday.. and I'm the only one up this morning. I'm sure this…

2023 Day 92

Sunday April 2nd It was very foggy earlier this morning.. not so much now. There is a stench to the air from the smoke residue from the "trash pile" the neighbor a couple of properties over was burning yesterday. The temperature is 70°. The winds are calm. The humidity is…

2023 Day 91

Saturday April 1st It's 73° out this morning. The day is starting out like every other day lately.. heavily overcast. But the winds have slacked off to nothing, so that's an improvement. The forecast is calling for a partly cloudy day.. so far our part is cloudy. In honor of…