Friday, September 25, 2020

It really feels of fall this morning. Sixty-six wonderful degrees. What I am assuming is a clear sky… if there are clouds they aren’t evident yet. A color on the eastern horizon even before first light. Birds singing, crows announcing themselves on their morning rounds. Theirs a low hazy ground fog around the yard.

In the twenty minutes I’ve been watching morning being created, the light is already brighter than thirty minutes after sunrise yesterday.

Each day the whistling ducks that fly over are a bit higher in the sky and include a few more birds in their “v”.

I’m waiting to take another shot as sunrise arrives… just waiting and listening as the world comes to life around me… looking at the forecast for next week, I see a day with a low in the mid fifties… it might be time to break out a long sleeve Henley.  I can hardly wait.


As the sun rises, the hazy fog covers more of the yard and thickens. Now the sun adds color to the clouds that have creeped into the sky…

Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and Pray for our Nation and the world. Especially our nation in this time of constitutional crisis…