Wednesday, July 8, 2020

It’s just as warm this morning as it was yesterday, but, for some reason it doesn’t feel as warm. Even the birds are more active today. There’s a flock of cattle egrets circling in for a landing in the freshly mown yard across from the end of the drive. A male cardinal is fighting his reflection on my car… again.

My nextdoor neighbor is leaving on his way to shoe some horses. It’s kind of strange, this life of mine, on the one side a farrier, and on the other rocket scientists. Where else but Texas.

It’s the middle of the week, and the traffic out front has that midweek dichotomy working. About half of the vehicles are speeding, while the other half seems to be driving under the speed limit

The first of the cattle egrets has settled down in my yard out by the road now. There are chickadees flitting about from tree to tree. There must be a dozen blue Jays scattered around the yard. I’ve decided the cattle egrets are my kind of yard chickens. I like to watch their head bobbing strut as the move around the yard. And I’ve always had a thing for redheads.

The beep, beep, beep of the construction equipment at the new firehouse is starting to rival the birds as my background music. And, since my cup is running low, I guess it is time to bring this muse to an end… y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and enjoy the day…

2 thoughts on “Wednesday, July 8, 2020

  1. Ohhhh… and I’m just in for my first break of the day. As hot as it’s gotten, I’m on my high summer routine: two or three hours working, and then an hour’s break to cool down. Right now, it’s especially convenient, since the marina where I’m working’s only five minutes or so away.

    Not only that, I got home just in time to throw the bucket of water I keep by the front door on the cat that’s been lurking around the bird feeders. Since I came around the corner rather than through the patio door, I was able to sort of sneak up on it. Wet kitty went running!

    1. I don’t envy your schedule. I know even at my healthiest I’d be dripping sweat on all the sanding. Don’t even want to think about messing up the varnish.
      I can understand your bathing the cat thouch…

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