Thursday, July 9, 2020

Walking out on the back porch this morning I had to dodge around the LOL pool party. The granddaughter has a bad habit of leaving her toys right where she last played with them. This time they are underfoot.

I always balk at stepping out of a morning when the windows are covered with condensation. I know the air will be so thick you can actually see it. And my anticipatory dread was realized today. One word describes this climate… sticky.

At least, the birds are happily singing to the morning. Just barely audible above the background chicken sounds from around the corner, are the chattering sound of fledglings. Young birds are everywhere this time of yeat.

It’s a strange state of affairs to be living in what the daily news is calling a hotspot in the pandemic. And still there are people who think it’s all a hoax. And to here the Mayor of Phoenix state that she wished she had testing like Houston had back in April, because our governor said if you wanted a test you could get one… Lady Mayor, Phoenix’s testing seems pretty much like Houston’s right now. And in April nobody could get a test… no matter what Governor Abbott might have said.

America missed it’s opportunity to get a handle on this. We missed it in February… we missed it in March… we missed it in April, and May. By June the misinformation had all but set us up to fail. And somewhere along the way the president* told his biggest lie ever when he said he took no responsibility for anything. Sorry Donald, but that’s the nature of the job you wanted. You can’t claim responsibility for the good without taking responsibility for the bad. And not doing anything isn’t a get out of jail free card. You made this bed… now please go away and sleep in it.

And now you want to change the CDC recommendations for opening up schools because they are too hard and cost too much. Let me ask you… is Barron going back to a public school in August? Would you trust you to open schools this next month? I know I don’t, I’ll just continue to play teacher for awhile as you pretend to be a President… fair enough.

Enough ranting… y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and have a nice day… I’ll catch you on the other side.