Monday, July 6, 2020

It’s already above 80 this morning. Though, the forecast calls for today to be cooler than yesterday. It’s also fairly cloudy with a 40% chance of rain for the day. Radar is already showing scattered showers out and about in SE Texas.

Already this morning, dump trucks are hauling their loads by the house. I also heard, but did not see, a whistling duck fly over. Now it’s the doves providing the background sound while blue Jays fly down to the ground searching for whatever Jays search for.

And there goes dump truck number three.

There’s a yellow spot in the grass where Sherry’s car was parked since last Tuesday. It should revive and return to green in a day or so.

Well, my medication alarm just went off. So I need to wrap this up and go take my pill. I’m on a regime of antibiotics right now that with my normal medications has me popping some form of pill or the other six times a day… boy do I feel old.

That big blue recycling bin sure stands out in that shot. It’ll be heading for the street later today.

My pill is calling my name and my coffee’s gone… y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and have a wonderful day. When you’re out in public places wear a mask… protect yourself and others. It’s all about free-dumbs.

2 thoughts on “Monday, July 6, 2020

  1. Well, you may have bluejays, whistling ducks, and doves, but I have a young possum! Actually, I think I have two. The past two mornings I’ve only seen one, but I think I got a glimpse of two this morning. I suppose I’m going to have to start putting the bird feeders in at night. I’d use some red-hot spicy bird feed, but the squirrels wouldn’t like that, and I like the squirrels!

    1. I no longer feed in my front yard due to squirrels and raccoons and possibly deer… whatever was getting to the feed was leaving the steel pole bent to the ground each night. I now only feed from the back porch and even so I have to battle squirrels on occasion. I used to have a running battle with the raccoons getting into my garbage cans. The possums quit being a problem when we quit feeding cats outside.

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