Sunday, July 5, 2020

A bright sun and a cloudless sky greet me this morning on the back porch. The temperature has yet to pass 80 but it’s headed well north of that today.

Yesterday, when she went to water some sunflowers she planted, my daughter picked up her watering can from a chair on the side porch only to find a bird’s nest with baby birds in it. Let’s hope all of her interest doesn’t scare off the parents.

Last night’s celebration was loud. Both officiall, and illegal in the city, and legal in the county. All were close enough to be heard even though most weren’t visible above the surrounding trees. Though my next door neighbor did put on a good show even as it attracted the official notice of the local police.

I’m ready to hibernate in my cool cave for another long hot day. So on that note… y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and wear your mask as you go about your day. Oh, and try to enjoy a wonderful day.