Fourth of July, 2020

There is dew on the car windows. And a smell of wet, almost rotting, grass on the morning air. The traffic is very light, but that’s to be expected.

Birds are calling, cheeping, whistling, and cooing as they tend to do. Squirrels are scampering in the upper reaches of the trees, not having made it to the ground just yet .

We stopped by Kroger yesterday afternoon. For the first time I felt folks might be taking the pandemic seriously. The store was crowded, but I only saw three people without face coverings. Though, a couple of righty wanna be lawyers, had their’s pulled down over their chins. I imagine that’s the letter of the law if not the intent.

I guess the governors ruling no longer covers limiting capacity in stores like it once did.

Well, time has come to head in… y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and have a celebratory fourth while socially distancing.