Friday, July 3, 2020

I’m back on the back porch. And, once again, their’s barely a breath of a breeze. There is also a haziness to the mostly clear sky… probably the Saharan dust they keep talking about.

But, all in all, it’s a normal warm summer morning. Cicadas humming, cardinals singing, traffic on the bypass a quarter mile off. The rat-a-tat-tat of a woodpecker off in the distance.

I pulled the grill out to the edge of the porch last evening to roast a whole chicken. It came out nice. I might as well leave it out today for burgers and dogs tomorrow. The only reason I bother to move it is the squirrels are using it to launch themselves onto the bird feeders.

Well, Governor Abbott finally grew a pair… or else he was shamed into it… and passed a mandatory mask ordinance for any county with more than 20 Coronavirus cases. Basically, the whole state of Texas is now required to wear a mask in any commercial building or whenever social distancing cannot be safely practiced.

Then Galveston County and Brazoria County closed their beaches for the holiday weekend. Add in the closed bars and 50% seating at restaurants and damned if it doesn’t look like what we should have been doing on Memorial Day.

I hope all of these Republican “leaders” can sleep well at night as the deaths keep mounting because they were afraid to do thier jobs. All because their wingnut constituents would protest them out of a job.

Well, it’s that time once again… my coffee cup is running low, the red line on the thermometer is climbing, and clouds are starting to move in from the gulf.

Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, wear a mask when you’re out, and have a great day.