Thursday, July 2, 2020

On this front porch morning, a breeze is making the limbs sway… at least a bit. Birds sing and chirp and coo. Vehicles go up and down the road in a more or less leisurely fashion.

The crepe myrtle is in as full a bloom as it gets. The mimosa has long gone to seed pods. The elderberries are still blooming but setting very few berries. The digs on the fig tree are a long way from ripe. The chaste tree is still blooming… at least a little

Once more Covid-19 has overshadowed BLM on the news. Though, Russian bounties are rising fast… but hey, I read and watch this president’s* “fake news”, not the “alternative facts” of Fox and Friends. And for every politician who said it was up to personal responsibility to take simple precautions to try and slow the virus… a pox upon your house. Freedom is not free-dumb. Though, that’s how a lot of folks act.

Even those that wear masks and social distaste are beginning to congregate in larger family groups. Life goes on, shit happens… but we all need to be safe.

I think the most telling story of 2020 was when the president* flat stated he takes no responsibility for anything.

Okay, the coffee cup is running low, the humidity is up and I’m ready for breakfast. Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, wear your mask, and try to enjoy a socially aware day.