Wednesday, July 1, 2020

It’s overcast today, with just the slightest breeze causing a leaf to quiver here and there. A mockingbird was serenading me as I sat down… it’s a song I’ve missed this year.

Yesterday was a tough, long day. My mother-in-law, Sharon Moore, after a long fight with illness passed away in the early morning hours. While her passing was unexpected, it really wasn’t a surprise. After being in and out if the hospital for well over a year, she had been living in a nursing home for awhile. Once the pandemic kicked in and the nursing home went on lockdown, her daughters weren’t able to visit her. So it’s been a long haul.

Sharon’s last hospital stay ended in her being moved to a long term acute care hospital were the ladies could once again visit until the end of last week when once again the lockdown was implemented. Sadly, they were not able to be with their mother to say goodbye.

Sharon Moore, may you rest in peace… you never seemed to have much in life.

I finally mowed on Monday. From the looks of the yard, I should have checked the air in the tires. One of them must have been low because the mower left definable tracks.

Well the stickiness factor is kicking in and I’m heading inside.

Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, wear a mask, and have a socially aware day…