Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Thunder rumbles and lite rain pitter patters.

My last couple of hours in bed weren’t very restful. The thunderstorms the prognosticators promised in their foretelling yesterday moved over my house. At least, this time, the rainfall amount wasn’t oppressive.

Other than the patter of the falling rain, I’m hearing a few birds and a few frogs. You know you’ve been having a bit of rain when the frogs start singing enough.

It was funny, yesterday’s rumbling of thunder went on for more than two hours bu dropped no rain on us. And unless the rate of rainfall changes dramatically as the morning goes by, the prognosticators worry over flooded streets and flash floods will get rewritten as an oops.

My neighbor across the street just headed off to work. Traffic has been relatively lite on our road this morning… of course as I said that, someone opened the gate and a string of vehicles went by.

I saw another example of the disconnect between the two sides of the political spectrum on TV last night. the president* went to Phoenix yesterday. He and a few thousand of his fans held a Coronavirus maga come to Trump meeting. But, that’s ok, because they all seem to have faith in his ability to just wish the pandemic away. I guess it makes sense that the event was held in a maga-church.

It seems my pessimism about America’s reaction to this pandemic has been justified. When the federal government couldn’t wish it away, when slowing down testing didn’t work at keeping the numbers down, when just not talking about it did nothing to slow the rate of infection and death… let’s hold rallies and ignore the medical experts. No masks, no social distancing… just faith in the grim faced reaper-in-chief.

As all of the states reopen, there’s not much we can count on our government to do to keep us safe. So it falls to us to do everything we can to make sure we follow the guidelines that the experts have tried to give us. Even when our political “leaders” have failed to lead.

In these trying times… stay safe, stay healthy, and try to find some joy in your day… me, it’s a cool rainy morning, I think I’ll curl up with a good book.