Tuesday, June 23, 2020

After the coolness of yesterday afternoon, today’s return to warm and muggy leaves me wanting. Even the birds aren’t singing much this morning. Only the cicadas are in song.

The few clouds I can see are high and wispy, not the thunder bloomers of yesterday. There were times yesterday when the thunder rumbled continuously for minutes and minutes on end.

Once again the prognosticators are putting their foretelling of rain at 60%. Pretty much the same as yesterday at this time. By the time I looked again yesterday 20/20 hindsight had moved their foretelling to 100%. With that in mind I wonder what today will bring.

Well, it’s 8:30 and the cardinals have begun to sing out. There is one hummingbird out here that will not land on the feeder if I’m on the porch. Most of them don’t pay me any attention. One of them will even hover in my face if the feeder gets low.

If the rains keep falling, I’m definitely going to have to mow. But the seed heads make great landing platforms for the dragonflies that I’m liking the look. That and the taller grass stays green longer as the heat gets SE Texas summer extreme.

Ok, the coffee cup is empty. And it’s already 81º feeling like 88º. So I’m heading inside for another cup and some breakfast. Stay healthy, stay safe, wear a mask if you’re out in public, and enjoy another day.