Thursday, June 25, 2020

Warm and Humid.

Before walking out this morning I could tell by the condensation on the windows it would be oppressive. I was right. The temperature was already 80º and it feels like 96º with a relative humidity of 86%.

The cool front that was just north of Houston all day yesterday has now become a stationary front running right across the center of the city. And there’s a solid line of rain running along the front… all to the north of here.

I just had a flight of dozens of gulls fly over. It appears they were flying from their rookery to the old Walmart parking lot across the bayou. They weren’t bunched up in their flight at all. More like individuals all heading to the same place. Other than that, all the birds seem to be hunkering down. I see an occasional flash of red as a cardinal moves from thick cover to thick cover.

Even the cicadas are muted this morning. Though, off in the distance a murder of crows is now announcing their presence.

My allergies are kicking up with all the rain. Probably a mold and mildew thing working. Allergies have been a tricky problem this year. What with them almost mimicking symptoms of the virus, if you sneeze out in public you can feel every eye find you… even with the mask.

It’s time to leave the stickiness that’s SE Texas in late June and head into the unnaturally chilled air that is my summer cave. Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and find something to inspire you this day…

2 thoughts on “Thursday, June 25, 2020

  1. Just last week I bought a dehumidifier, and it may be the best purchase I’ve made in years.I can’t believe how much water it’s continually pulling out of the air. I suspect one reason is that I’m on the ground floor now, on a concrete slab, and moisture’s leaching in that way. My patio gets watered three times a week when the irrigation system does its thing, and that wet concrete might have been contributing to the problem.

    This was the first day this summer I found drippy windows, too. There’s not been so much rain here, but it sure is wet.

    1. Our indoor humidity stays down around 50% or below… It’s the outdoors that kill me. The one good thing about the window condensation, it make cleaning them with a squeegee much easier…

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