Saturday, May 30, 2020

On the back porch this morning. Ceiling fans on… the movement of the air provides some comfort on another muggy morning. The temperature is already in the mid-seventies and the clouds cover most of the sky.

Looking southeast towards Galveston.

It’s quiet out this morning, I can’t hear any traffic on the bypass. The traffic sounds don’t overwhelm the sound the ceiling fans make. There’s a muffled hum if the cicadas… just at the edge of not being a sound. Even the cardinals aren’t cheeping as loud as usual.

I managed to finish mowing yesterday afternoon before it decided to rain once again. I plan to put the grandkids to work hauling limbs to my wood piles as I break in my new pole saw today. I can’t wait to see how the 50watt battery holds up.

Well, it’s time to start breakfast for the wife so I’ll leave you with this last image…

Looking southwest towards… who knows where.

2 thoughts on “Saturday, May 30, 2020

  1. It’s quiet here this morning, too. There haven’t even been any squirrels around the feeders yet, and I don’t hear a single bird. I thought a hawk or a cat might be around, but having read about your experience, who knows? Maybe they all decided to sleep in this morning!

    1. Seems it must be an area wide thing. Now that you mention it I didn’t see a squirrel one either.

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