Saturday, September Fifteenth

Overcast, with rain falling to the south on radar… a breezy cool morning coffee muses.

I’m sitting in the rocking chair on the back porch again. What I’m missing this morning is the hummingbirds. I haven’t seen or heard a single one this morning. It looks as if they decided not to wait for the cool front they normally ride across the Gulf.

The thunderstorms that showed on radar are announcing themselves with loud rolling bouts of thunder.

Sherry just informed me that the hummingbirds haven’t left, they are all out front. And the crows are raising Cain all around. I suppose I should feed them some more of that year-old dog food.

For some reason, the dogs out in the county are barking this morning… loudly. I’m also hearing chickens. It’s giving me a rural vibe… or maybe just a yuppie neighborhood.

Someone has fired up a mower out and about… so of course, it started to rain.

Time to check my email before a trip to the Busy Bee.