Sunday, September Sixteenth

Foggy start to this morning coffee muses.

Last evening I was reading a weather alert from the Boston area where the prognosticators were foretelling of heavy fog overnight and into the morning. It seem that just reading the forecast out loud made it so. Spellcasting by a weather wizard.

The world fades to white a few hundred feet away. Birds fly thru the air like ghosts on Halloween.

The butterfly weed at the end of the porch is taller than I’ve ever seen it. And, more eaten than most years. There are only leaves on the top foot of the stalks.

The sun is trying to break thru. As the crows cross the yard cawing their way to greener pastures.

It appears that when the fog lifts the sun will rule today. Hot and humid.

Already, the sticky factor is ramping up…

Time to move inside…

2 thoughts on “Sunday, September Sixteenth

  1. How about that? Over here, it’s bright and clear, with not a cloud in the sky or a bit of fog anywhere. The land/water difference can be considerable — but at least there’s no rain in the forecast. (Well, or minimal rain, I suppose.)

    1. I was sure surprised when I woke up. The sun’s out now and the fog has lifted. Enjoy the break in the weather Linda.

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