Friday, September Fourteenth

After thunderous battles in the sky overnight, another lite rain falls on my morning coffee muses.

You know… it seems like rain started falling on the first Fay of September and hasn’t let up since. The moisture streaming in off the Gulf is backing up the rubythroated hummingbirds pretty much completely. Watching the red oak out back, I can see dozens moving about in the crown. While more chase each other around the yard trying to hog the feeder. And once again I’m surprised by the way Mother Nature plans things. Morning Glory flowers are blooming all over as these little flying jewels search for food.

And our wetter than normal summer, leading into this soaking September has the world outside my windows taking on a decidedly Celtic look. Green predominates where normally browns would be showing thru. It’s like my little piece of the world has been transplanted to the Pacific northwest… except we don’t have any mountains. The one nice thing about this is that the temperature is so much cooler than normal. It’s almost nice just to sit out and enjoy it.

Radar shows rain streaming in from the Gulf. Lots and lots of rain. The prognosticators are foretelling of a 100% chance of rain today.

I haven’t yet sat down with the news. So I don’t know what’s up on the east coast. I’ll be heading in shortly to check. I hope everyone is staying safe and dry in the path of Florence.

Time for a refill. Later.