Friday, September Seventh

It’s chilly in front of the fan as the sun rises for this end of week morning coffee muses.

The never-ending rain puddle in the driveway. Refilled yesterday by three good showers. And the ten day forecast is for thunderstorms and scattered showers each day.

Once again the day starts out sunny with scattered clouds. Yesterday, by 10 a.m. the black clouds had claimed the southern sky. And as the day went by, more moved thru.

A female hummingbird keeps flirting with me this morning as she comes and goes from the feeder. Hovering in front of my face, back and forth.

On a political note

The nomination hearings are another case of the failure of American political norms… and yet, some of my friends and family are blaming the democrats for what they see as disrespect of the broken system.

“Virtually Treason” is what the President calls an anonymous op-ed. Once again showing his lack of understanding of the laws… of the rule of law. But he has a real understanding of his base and the way they get their news and information.

I’m watching the news now, so I guess it’s time to move on…