Thursday, September Sixth

At the moment, it’s sunny but cool, humid too… another morning coffee muses.

Grandson number two is celebrating his tenth birthday today. We brought him home just in time to ride out Ike sleeping in the living room. Happy birthday Cameron.

I had to walk out to the road for the garbage cans first thing this morning. Which brought about the two photos up above. The world is still very wet everywhere. Sometime tomorrow, if we get a break, I’ll try and mow. Since the prognosticators are foretelling of good chances of rain right through the following ten day period.

The humidity is so high, every time I exhale my breath fogs my glasses, the Windows are all coated with a film of moisture. And to top it all off… it just feels sticky. All of my more westerly living friends… I envy your low humidity.

I’ve been out on this porch for an hour now. I guess it’s time to go in and see what’s happening in the world today.