Friday, June first.

The air is full of moisture, it attaches itself to my glasses, warm feeling morning coffee muses.

Once again, the clouds line the eastern horizon. Rising over Galveston Bay each night. It’s funny how stepping out each day after checking the temperature, I’m so surprised when it feels so much warmer than inside. Even though the outside temperature is two degrees cooler, the humidity makes it feel twice that warmer… And, once you look into the rising sun, the air is thick with the haze of moisture.

The first bird singing this morning was a tufted titmouse. It was down in the woods singing “pretty, pretty, pretty” over and over. Crows broke the silence next, way down the road. The backyard cardinal raised his song next. Then drifting in came a call I seldom hear, “chick-a-dee, chick-a-dee”, even though they visit the feeder regularly, my local chickadees seldom sing their name.

A couple of hawks were feeding on something back under the pines in the corner. It’s always strange to see them on the ground. Once they flew a mockingbird left the area. I’m sure the mockingbird was harassing them for being in the mockingbird’s territory.

And watching over us all… The Mississippi Kite sits on the dead limb sticking up over Jones Street.

And a hummingbird takes it’s turn in the spotlight…

And so begins another summer day on the Texas Gulf Coast… I better enjoy them. It won’t be long before the temperature doesn’t drop below eighty at night. Ahhh, the blue jays have arrived…