Thursday, May thirty-first

The floor fan is almost too cool, the humidity isn’t as oppressive, it’s a beautiful summer’s morning coffee muses.

Chickadees come to the feeder first this morning. They are talking in all the trees, families coming together.

Cardinals sing in bushes and trees around the yard.

A train whistle sounds from down the tracks.

The weather is now in summer mode, hot and hotter.

The foretelling of the next ten days has no rain in it. There are a couple of hours scattered throughout where the rain probability rises above 10%.

The high forecast for this coming Sunday… 97°. Real temperature not feels like… remind me not to request an outside table at lunch.

Anoles bookend the porch, there’s one on the columns at each end. Heads bobbing, throat sac flashing pink to the world.

Once again a red bird flying towards the feeder swerved off on seeing me sitting here.

Today’s clouds are floating north… wispy, see thru white nothings, floating overhead, without the promise of rain.

A rubythroat visits the sugar water in the feeder. I miss the crowd from the spring migration.

The cup is running dry… time to move on.

2 thoughts on “Thursday, May thirty-first

  1. I’m still traveling and won’t be home until tomorrow, but I’ve appreciated your updates. I’ll be glad to get home and back in a routine! It seems an indoor routine will be the better choice, although I’m going to have to get back to work, too.

    1. Indoors is best, but if need be under a roof is better than out in the sun. At least in my neck of the woods, varnishing wouldn’t be a good thing to try at the moment… milkweed seeds are blowing in the breeze. Safe travels.

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