Wednesday, May thirtieth

Warm and humid, condensation on the windows, glasses fogging up as I come out for my morning coffee muses.

Cardinals are shy about coming to the feeder when I’m out on the porch. A big part of their shyness seems to depend on the direction they arrive from. If they can see me on the porch as they fly toward the feeder, they almost always veer off. If they come in over the roof and don’t see me as they fly up they’ll land and eat.

A red-tailed hawk just flew up from the ground at the back of the yard. From the ruckus that arose, it must have not been alone. The mockingbirds were having a problem with this intrusion into their space… A fuss arose.

My neighbor mowed last evening, so I’ll bet the hawk was attracted to some snake or something that didn’t survive the experience.

There’s a line of clouds on the eastern horizon again this morning. Though, nothing is showing up on the radar this morning. And the forecast has a 0% precipitation probability. So very shortly I’ll want to fire up the Deere for my meditations… it’s already going to be way too hot for comfort…

Coffee’s gone, I need to check email before starting my meditations…