Saturday, June second

Another warm and hazy, mostly cloud free, morning coffee muses.

The chickadees are noisy this morning. The cicadas are singing background.

It’s already above eighty out in the sun. Heading for the mid nineties, or so the prognosticators are promising. Most days are hotter than the prognosticators are aware of. And the heat indexes have been pretty hellish.

The dragonfly and damselfly population has grown by leaps and bounds in the past couple of weeks. Both numbers and number of species are getting bigger each week.

Did I mention that it’s warm? It’s also the first morning I can recall where there are no clouds over Galveston Bay. The wispy little clouds that are high in the sky are barely moving at all.

This morning is pretty much a repeat of yesterday. Same birds singing, same cicadas humming, same heat and humidity… the dog days of summer are starting early.

I am watching a mockingbird hunt for it’s breakfast across the yard. From high perch to ground and back to another perch up high. Searching in the grass for another bug or grub.

My fruit trees are all looking good… just fruitless. The mulberry that was looking so sad at the end of last year shrugged off some limbs. I watered it with fish tank water when I emptied the fish tank. That seems to have really done the trick. It’s leaves are deep green and full. I can hardly wait for the mulberries to get big enough to make fruit. Then I’ll have my own bird magnets just a quarter the distance that my neighbor’s are…