Saturday, May fifth

Cooler, drier, partly cloudy… an acceptable spring morning coffee muses.

The cool front reached us in the night. But, the rain was a no show… at least right here. Radar still shows rain from Houston east just to the north of us. And scattered showers run along the coast just inland to the west. But we are sitting in a clear spot on the radar and the ground is dry.

For being after eight, it’s still pretty dark outside. The slight northerly wind is nice, bringing in that drier, interior air. The ceiling fans are almost too cooling for this morning’s air.

A blue jay is fussing loudly on the feeder. “Jay…Jay” “Jay…Jay” “Jay…Jay” . I love the birds, but their call, up close and personal, isn’t a pleasant experience.

 The morning chorus isn’t up to it’s normal volume. It’s as if the birds are sleeping in on this cool Saturday morning. Ah, but here come the chickadees and their multitude of chittering voices. Cardinals in the distance, singing their territories. A flash of gray and white as a mockingbird streaks thru the air. And now it’s the titmouse taking a turn at the feeder.

With the cool front sitting just off the coast, these clouds over my head aren’t moving a noticeable amount. And, if anything, the patches of blue are getting smaller. Sadly, the prognosticators are foretelling of highs today in the mid-eighties. And though they foretell of lower start tomorrow, they also are foretelling of a higher high… this spring is really trying to move on into summer.

Once again the cup is empty. Time to move on to other things…