Friday, May fourth

Another humid, overcast start to a warm morning coffee muses .

It’s warm and humid this morning. If not for the ceiling fans I’d already be heading inside. Looking at the radar this morning, I see a cool front pushing across Texas. The rains in front of the front are already rushing in on Texarkana on the east. The other end of the rain is out north and west of San Antonio. So the middle third of Texas is getting wet right now.

As you can see it’s anything but cool this morning here on the back porch. The upper seventies and the sun’s not even out. But it’s that gulf humidity that makes it feel so dad blasted sticky already.

The morning bird chorus is in fine form. Cardinals can be heard singing from every direction, near and far. Crows are adding their staccato claws. There are mockingbirds singing solos over there… and back over that way… and over on Jones Street.

There is a train coming up from Galveston. Blowing it’s warning song at every crossing. I can’t make out the roar of the wheels yet, so it’s still a good ways down the track.

A couple of little blue herons just flew over heading north. A dark ibis flew past earlier. There’s a male rubythroat perched on one of last year’s goldenrod stems right below the feeder where he can guard his food supply.

According to the weather prognosticators, we should have showers moving thru overnight with tomorrow’s winds coming out of the north. That should push the humidity right back out into the Gulf. I am looking forward to my Sunday morning muse… The foretelling is of a very low sixty-two for the start of the day…

From the sound of the trains air horn, it must have turned of to the west before it got here. I can hear the engine moving on the rails to the south of us heading towards Bay City.

Time to end this… my cup needs a refill.

3 thoughts on “Friday, May fourth

  1. I’ve got a “vacation day,” since I’m working at Lakewood Yacht Club and this is the weekend of the Keels and Wheels extravaganza. Today’s setup day, and they don’t want anyone in there who’s going to interfere with that so — no contractors. I’m drinking coffee myself, waiting and hoping for rain, and planning a whole day of inside activities, like a little housecleaning and blog writing. Yee-haw!

      1. Thanks Linda, when I was fighting my way through my problems last week I thought an update to a four year old layout might be a good idea. I’m still tweaking some things…

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