I'd spend it at the battlefield this weekend... Bugle calls and thundering cannons will fill the air Saturday at the old San Jacinto battlefield — the site where Sam Houston's army won Texas' freedom from Mexico — but this time the smoke and hubbub of war will all be in…
For most of the past decade I had picked today as my last day of employment with Freeman. Earth Day 2010...The fortieth anniversary of the defining idea of my generation and 38 years into a career at a single company. Today would have been the day I was able to…
Love it. Robin Sloan has previously discussed this type of "production as performance" video on Snarkmarket but Pomplamoose has started using the term "VideoSong": ~ via Pomplamoose covers Lady Gaga's Telephone. So began one of Jason's blog posts today...And now it's over an hour later and I have done nothing…
Some of the shots I took yesterday as I played on a roadtrip into Texas Spring... I try each year to make a day trip into the closest wildflower country to my home. The trip takes about two hours just to start seeing good fields of color. Usually, I begin…
This morning I spent some time with some friends, old and new, via YouTube... First it was my buddy, Fred First's Slideshow presentation of the images in his second book as I sipped my first cup of coffee...It went like this... What We Hold in Our Hands: images from the…
Many years ago (way back in the decadent '80's) as I began to move into middle management I discovered Tom Peter's In Search Of Excellence. I took the book to heart. I strove to make my clients experience as Excellent, with a capitol E, as I could. I think we…
Who would of thought the bean counters have gotten into what was once the territory exclusively of designers. They know are looking at the cost of ink used to print with different fonts...The next thing you know white spaces will be measured to insure the best usage of paper (or…
The past couple of weeks have found me spending more time outside with my 18 month old grandson and less time living online. Of course the weather has made it easier to be outside enjoying spring than inside adding to a blog. These spring days are rapidly feeling more and…
[ti_billboard name="Spring Day"] We took a drive around the county yesterday...Me and my Nikon. The slideshow above has some of the results...I hope you enjoy.
Crooks and Liars has a list working of what we can expect in the first year while we wait for the full bill to kick in... Here are ten benefits which come online within six months of the President's signature on the health care bill: 1. Adult children may remain…
[ti_billboard name="test"] Boy talk about killing time in a hurry...I was perusing Google Reader this morning and ran across a video from WordCamp New York (WordCamp NYC Session Video Posted « Tierra Innovation: Wordpress CMS Project)...In the presentation you had some guys from Tierra and WNET talking about the project…
And I'm on the road to being proud again...Ain't that America?
The globe recorded its sixth warmest February since record keeping began in 1880, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA's) National Climatic Data Center. NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies rated February 2010 the second warmest, behind 1998. The year-to-date period, January - February, is the 5th or…
For some reason this year my wife has spring break off. It makes no sense, she could never get spring break off when we, you know, actually had kids off on spring break. But this year she has spring break off. Guess what? Grandson #2 is all ours each and…
Wind power generation in Texas is growing so quickly that it is testing the limits of the state’s electrical grid. The state set a record on March 5 when wind turbines generated 6,272 megawatts of energy, or about 19 percent of the electricity on the state’s main power grid. That…
I found this in my email reading today...It makes you wonder if the modern world is really all that modern after all. Apparently for about a third of the world's population not a whole lot has changed in 21 centuries... Cooking and Heating in the 21st Century. Some two billion…
Welcome to the International Year of Biodiversity You are an integral part of nature; your fate is tightly linked with biodiversity, the huge variety of other animals and plants, the places they live and their surrounding environments, all over the world. You rely on this diversity of life to provide…
Spring Gradual warming that began earlier this week is forecast to continue through the weekend, and by early next week high temperatures should climb into the mid-70s as warm, wet air flows inland from the Gulf of Mexico. No rain is forecast until late this weekend, according to the National…
This afternoon I finally started working my way through my Google Reader subscriptions. The sequence of stories brought me up short and I tried to capture a screen shot. Evidently I had left the laptop running for a bit too long because when I opened Photoshop all I had was…
Today, Texas celebrates 174 years of its Lone Star Identity. This past year has given me a closer connection to this piece of Texas history. Research has now connected our family to Willis West. Willis West arrived in Texas in March 1835 and is enumerated in his father's household (Richard, a widow)…
The sun has risen on more frost covered morns than I can ever recall. But by mid-day the temperatures will be pushing into the mid 60's...even over 70 degrees. Then after sundown the temperatures fall again into the mid to low 30's...Only to repeat the roller-coaster all over again the next day.
Now comes a fitting bookend to a winter seemingly without end. While we have missed any snow accumulations here this winter, we did have a full afternoon of flurries back in earl December...And now, this is what greets me in my feedreader this morning over coffee... Houston already had its…
Blue jays and robins are a sign of winter in my neck of the woods. Over the weekend a notion of mine, one that has been percolating around in this head of mine, kept roiling to the surface. All winter long I have been noticing an absence...A hole in the…
I tossed and turned in bed last night in a perfect storm of tax related muses...nightmares...planning. I had a meeting with a CPA yesterday. I had arranged the meeting to try to get a handle on my tax plan for next year. This is the year I finally bury my…
Mr. Will, from his pontificating height, has this to say about Sarah Palin in his latest column... She is what she is, and what she is merits no disdain. She is feisty and public-spirited, and millions of people vibrate like tuning forks to her rhetoric. When she was suddenly forced…
The weather could have been better...But I drug myself out of bed and hit the road before sunup...heading south, going to the beach...hoping for a sunrise photo to remember the day.
Image via Wikipedia There are a few reasons I subscribe to Cook's Illustrated Magazine...One of the main ones is to read Christopher Kimball's Editorial first thing when each issue comes in. More than the recipes, more than the test kitchen results, more than the illustrations on the covers...back and front...It…
The logical outcome to the Supreme Courts twisted reasoning... Murray Hill is planning to run in the Republican primary for Maryland’s 8th Congressional District, which would be pretty unremarkable national news but for the fact that Murray Hill is not, well, actually a man named Murray Hill. Murray Hill For…
Talk about getting your head in a spin...Today I went through my daily routine of reading email as I listen to yesterdays "news" via podcasts downloaded to iTunes. I do this every morning, without fail...Coffee, email, podcasts. All of a sudden, it hit me...The incongruousness of what I was doing.…