Weather Patterns And The Incongruences Of The Web

This afternoon I finally started working my way through my Google Reader subscriptions. The sequence of stories brought me up short and I tried to capture a screen shot. Evidently I had left the laptop running for a bit too long because when I opened Photoshop all I had was a black image when I pasted in the capture…When I closed everything and restarted…Well you know what happens…bye bye to the feeds I had already read.

Anyway, long story not so long, what I was looking at was a string of posts from Doug Thompson on the unexpected snowfall in Floyd County and a post from Fred First talking about being surprised by the same snow. Right in between was a feed from our local paper about the weather for the rest of the week here…Mild and mostly sunny. Now when I glanced up at the thermometer on the wall, it informed me that mild today was already pushing 67°.

At about that time, as the laptop was restarting, #2 Grandson woke up from his nap. After putting him in shorts, tee shirt, and sandals, he brought me my flip flops and out we went for our afternoon walk. Now I know a lot of folks from up north have forgotten just how warm the sun can be beating down on you when there is almost no breeze and the temperature is just shy of 70…Let me remind you…For some of you that’s summertime high.

Even #2 Grandson was feeling the heat by the time we made it back to the house. But not my wife…She just asked me to close the door because it’s cold out. Now, at this very moment the temperature has dropped to 64°…It’s really cold isn’t it.