A cool, wet end of the week morning coffee muses.
Now we wait for fall to return morning coffee muses.
Another almost perfect fall morning coffee muses.
Finally, a beautiful autumn morning coffee muses.
Tis the first really feels like fall morning coffee muses.
Starting the day at seventy-two degrees for a Sunday morning coffee muses.
It's a pleasant almost fall morning coffee muses.
A foggy Friday the Thirteenth morning coffee muses.
An unexpected, cool fall morning coffee muses.
What a beautiful fall preview of a morning coffee muses.
A Tuesday change in the weather morning coffee muses.
It's way too warm to be an Autumn morning coffee muses.
Another bright sunny morning coffee muses on the back porch.
High clouds make this a back porch morning coffee muses.
Some Advice for Clearing Brush by Jeff Coomer Walk noisily to declare your presence. The rabbits and deer will leave as soon as they hear you coming, but the snakes need time to process your intentions. Take a moment to be certain of what you’re cutting. Many stems look alike down…
It's a repeat of yesterday morning coffee muses.
A Not necessarily cool, but much less humid morning coffee muses.
It's so humid out I'll stay inside for this morning coffee muse.
Warmer and a bit more humidity for a morning coffee muses.
A nice start to an autumnal month's morning coffee muses.
September's Last Morning Coffee Muses.
The air feels different for this morning coffee muses.
It's Seventy Five For This Morning Coffee Muses
Warmish, Slightly Humid Waiting For The Cool Front Morning Coffee Muses
Warmish For Early Fall Morning Coffee Muses
Sunday Morning Coffee Muses, Quiet And Not Too Warm
Back Porch Morning Coffee Muses
Deere Meditations Interrupted By Broken Belt
Too Hot, Too Humid, Too Late For Morning Coffee Muses
The Pledge of Allegiance is a mystery to me, promising fealty to a piece of cloth — and “to the republic for which it stands” — what does that mean?