March 20, Saturday

For the third day in a row, it’s a clear skies sunny morning. The temperature is 52°. There’s a slight breeze.

It’s late… I guess I’m milking every day I can out sleeping in before the grandkids go back to school and the alarm starts waking me before the sun…

I have one thing to be thankful for… My granddaughter didn’t discover that we now get streaming Nickelodeon until yesterday. I don’t know that I would have survived a whole week of Spongebob… Or maybe she wouldn’t…

It’s funny how I deprived my kids as they were growing up… I got upset back in the ’80’s when the cable company wanted to charge me a reconnect fee after not processing my payment when they received it… So my kids grew up deprived of cable TV. Judging by the amount of money they all payed for cable over the years they must have agreed.

But, due to that fact, I was never subjected to Spongebob and friends. Do you realize there are 20 seasons of the show out there? My life will never be the same…

Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray for our Nation and the world.

Enjoy your weekend.