March 18, Thursday

Yesterday’s front left the air crystal clear. Left the sky cloudless and blue. Left the temperature much more seasonable. And left bird watchers anticipating a fall out event.

This morning’s temperature is a pleasant 51°. According to, the wind is blowing out of the Northwest at 16 mph. I can tell that without even looking just by listening to the wind chimes on the front porch.

The yard is beginning to green up, trees are beginning to leaf out, the wisteria in the center picture is beginning to bloom… Probably within a week it will be a mass of purple bumblebee candy. And, as I’ve mentioned, the azaleas are blooming beautifully…

Though truth be told, the azaleas look a little sparser than normal this year.

Well, spring break for the grandkids is winding down. And next week should bring the house back to normal…

Well the coffee is empty, at least the first cup. The morning has slipped by… Breakfast in meds are calling. So, y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray for the nation and the world. Keep wearing your mask, keep social distancing… We still have a ways to go before we can put this pandemic to bed.

Enjoy the day, and I guess in most of the country, try to stay warm.