March 12, Friday

Heavily overcast, unseasonably warm at 68°. There’s rain in the forecast, just not today. There’s a bit of a cool down coming, again, just not today.

Even the birds don’t seem to be announcing spring as they have in the last week. It’s rather quiet outside. Almost as if mother nature is holding her breath… Waiting… Maybe, for the other shoe to drop. It just doesn’t seem right to go from the deep freeze straight into spring.

President Biden gave a speech last night, the major one from the sounds of it. I guess four years of President Trump has gotten me out of the habit of listening to presidential speeches as they happen. From the morning after reviews, it was a decent speech taking credit for the covid relief bill. I’ll read more about it as the day goes on I’m sure.

The thing I find remarkable though is how the pundits and the reporters all point out the failure of Democrats to get bipartisan support. As if the Republicans in Congress will ever support a bipartisan bill. No matter how many enticements Democrats place in the bill, Republicans no longer want to govern with the opposition. Now that’s not a new thing, it got its start in the ’90s with Newt Gingrich. With Mitch McConnell it’s risen to new heights. And, personally, I see nothing changing anytime soon.

But, the new tone coming from the White House is greatly appreciated. No more bombastic over the top alternative facts ( lies ). No more name calling even if only via tweets from the president. No more bullying of anybody who disagrees. Quite a change in attitude and decorum. I like it.

Well, this will be my last peaceful day of quietude… Next week starts spring break. The grandkids will be home and the state of Texas has the permission of the governor to unmask and gather in crowds… Darwinism at work.

Well, it’s 7:30 a.m. and I’m about run out of Muse. So y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray for the nation and the world.

Get set for a great weekend.