13th of January, Wednesday

It’s another colder than normal, for Southeast Texas, morning in January. Once again the windshield wipers scraped ice this morning. It wasn’t as thick or as full as yesterday, but, there was some ice on the windshield.

The grandkids have both riding away on their buses. The sky is clear. Birds are singing. Morning Joe is on the TV. Looks like the talk today will be about the second impeachment of Donald Trump. That appears to me to be a good thing. To be a constitutional thing. To be the moral choice. It’s really too bad the first impeachment did not take, it should have.

Such a historical day. Only for impeachments in the entire history of the United States of America… And Donald Trump has two of them. I don’t think this is what he hoped for as his legacy. But then again, I don’t think he had any idea what the job requirements of president were.

Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray for our nation. I’ll catch you tomorrow. Have a great day.