Tuesday, November 24, 2020

It’s exactly one month till Christmas Eve. And as we approach Thanksgiving, I can’t help but wonder at the total lack of Christian ideals from around the country.

I guess we’ve finally achieved separation of church and state. If only in the fact that professed Christians can divorce their beliefs from the politicians they elect to office… go us. Hypocrisy rules and power corrupts.

I almost dreaded walking out this morning… with no school this week I’ve been snoozing after the alarm goes off. But the sun rising and lighting up the bedroom thru the blinds drove me out of bed. By the time I wandered out the sun was behind clouds blowing in off the gulf… the clouds have blown on now, but the sun is up enough to position itself behind the post at the corner of the house.

It’s still pretty quiet out, tho, the chickens are doing what groups of chickens do and gossiping back and forth. The day is rather pleasant. The temperature is about 70 degrees Fahrenheit, and a nice breeze is blowing. A train rolls through town. A donkey brays in the distance. Dragonflies patrol the yard in the sunshine.

Truth be told, this is exactly what my vision of a perfect summer day would look and feel like. The only thing missing would be the soundtrack that plays in my mind when I sit out like this…

Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, an Pray for our nation and the world…