Sunday, November 15, 2020

It twas a very strange morning on the back porch. Warm and muggy when I walked out and thirty minutes later it was cool and blustery. It was probably the warmest time of the day with a temperature of 74 degrees. Now, I’m back inside and the temperature has ballen to 69…

So in reality, even though I just sat down with my first cup, I think my coffee muses have run their course for the day.

I’m waiting on the color to come in on my red oak. Every year the days drag by as the colors gradually change from green to red. And it’s always a race with the winds to see if there will be enough leaves left on the tree to really enjoy the change.

Looking out the window I see the sun is out, so the front must have blown thru.

All of these photos are from before the front…


I am going to call this done, short as it is…. Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray for our nation and the world… Wear a mask. Socially distance…