The sun rises onto a cooler morning on the back porch. Not a lot cooler, but here in Texas every little bit helps. Once again the prognosticators are foretelling of a high in the 80’s.
Once again we are forced to watch a petulant schoolyard bully bluster and lie about winning this election. It was the fraudulent Democrats… all of his fawning followers know that we Democrats are all crooks and thieves. The losing Liar-in-Chief told them so.
Think about it… If we could steal an election from the worst President in the world, would McConnell and Graham be coming back to the Senate next year having won more votes in their state than Donald? We Democrats would be as crappy a crook as the President.
Can I ask a stupid question? If Republicans are so blinded by a celebrity, why wasn’t Arnold Schwarzenegger President already… a much bigger star… better ratings… hell, he was even Governor of California. Not a crummy little two-bit reality TV star.
Anyway, at some point, Mr. Trump will have to come back to reality… even Fox has called this election done. Though, I understand is caused a rift in the White House… Donald has stopped talking to his TV.
It’s time Donald, put us out of your misery… you lost… bigley… Fantasy Island has been cancelled. You’re being sent back to reality land… Now it’s time to let the real pros on the field.
Well, the coffee cup is empty… the sun has gone behind a cloud… and my web updating is calling. Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and Pray for our Nation and the world. Wear a damn mask. Keep social distancing. Wash your hands often. And whatever you do avoid alternative facts… or at least verify they really are facts.