Now that school is going again from home and they are keeping real school schedules, weekends are my sleep in time. Really slept in this morning… so much so that the thermometer was reading 85 degrees before I stepped out on the porch. To top it off, the humidity was so bad I had to wipe my glasses of four times before I could take my photos.
Needless to say, after snapping my shots I abandoned the porch for my Lazyboy in the livingroom. Not my normal coffee muses.
Not a lot to say this morning, hiding in my modern day cave to not have to face the summertime heat.
Tomorrow will be different, the alarm will go off before the sun comes up and I’ll be up wrangling grandkids… but I’ll also be out before the sun and heat come into play… I hope.
Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and Pray for our Nation and the World.