Monday, July 27, 2020

Even before walking out I could tell the morning was going to be sticky. Every window looking out was covered in condensation. Combined with the brightness of the day, the world seemed to be glowing.

While the temperature isn’t any higher than normal, my wife being home and standing in front of the fan makes it seem much warmer.

For the first little bit after I walked out, the birds were singing remarkably loud. A male cardinal was serenading us louder than I’ve heard in a while. He was competing with a blue jay for the loudest call.

We only have a 50% chance of rain today. Our radar doesn’t show much more than a couple of showers anywhere around us. Though, that’s how yesterday started and it rained off and on most of the day. Tomorrow the rain chances are higher and backing off on the radar shows rain offshore both to the south and east, with more to the north.

Breakfast is calling, and the stickiness factor is rising, so it’s time to head in and see what’s happening in the world. Stay safe, stay healthy, and Pray for America in this time of trials.