Sunday, July 26, 2020

The sky looks ominous this morning. Much worse than it actually is. The radar shows little rain falling around the area from the remnants of Hurricane Hannah who went ashore last evening in far south Texas.

Yesterday’s drive into central Texas was made interesting by the bands of rain that were coming ashore from the storm spinning it’s way thru the Gulf of Mexico.

Luckily, we were far enough inland that we had already started for home before any rains reached the area. It was good to see and be around family even though it was a somber event.

Today, the warm, humid day will be spent playing catch-up. The grocery store is calling our name. Trying to keep two youngsters in breakfast cereal and snacks is almost a lost cause.

It just hit me what I’m missing this morning… It’s the winds that have been blowing since Thursday evening. Steadily doing their part to maintain the comfort level on hot, humid days.

The sun’s breaking thru the clouds, so I think it’s time to head in… Stay safe, stay healthy, say a prayer for America… She really needs it as she heads into Trumpian dystopia.