Thursday, July 23, 2020

If the prognoticaters are correct, this will be our semi-dry day. If it is, I’ll need to spend some quality time on the mower. As it is, the start of the day is, at least for now, a bit on the cool side. At this time of year, anything under 80 degrees can be considered cool.

It’s relatively quiet out on the front porch this morning. Birds are singing and chattering. The sky is blue. The sun is bright. The yard is shaded. Even the morning traffic is subdued.

When I first came out there was a train moving by. Anecdotally, I haven’t been hearing as many trains as i am used to hearing. Has train traffic also been affected by the trials the country is going through.

I see the president* has decided it’s time in this election cycle to “wag the dog”. Someone should have explained to him that usually works better if you attack another country… not your own.

So the one man in America who has broken more laws and more norms than any previous occupant of the white house is now going to convert into the “law and order” president*.

And as conservative media play round the clock images of “rioting” in the streets (choreographed by the Committee to Reelect). And campaign ads of policemen being attacked and beaten… never mind the policeman was in Ukraine in 2014 and the protests were pro democracy. Just more alternative facts. Fearmongering in America, something the Republican party does as well as anyone. Much better than they can run an convention.

So now American cities are under attack by the American government. All in the name of campaign add footage for the Donald. The only thing this is going to accomplish is divide America more. Between those that watch Fox and Friends and everyone else.

And if he gets his way, it really will be winter in America. May you all survive the coming storm.

Stay safe, stay healthy, and pray for our country… jackbooted thugs are loose on our streets.