Sunday, July 12, 2020

What a pleasure this morning is. The sky is overcast and the temperature is in the upper 70’s. Veritable springlike weather this time of year. But, the prognosticators aren’t going to let me enjoy it completely… there is still a heat advisory for late morning into early evening.

Sunday morning on the front porch in a pandemic is nothing if not quiet… except, there’s laughter coming from the neighbors pool area.

The whistling call of the whistling ducks did sing out earlier. And the raucous calls of the Jay’s are coming from multiple parts of the yard. Even the buzz of the bumblebee investigating the chaste tree flowers makes a discernable hum as it buzzes by.

We’ve finally found a local BBQ stand I can stand to eat semi regularly. It’s just up the road in Manvel and only open on Saturday. It’s Ol’ Bucs and it’s really pretty good. The brisket is moist and tender and I really like the turkey breast. Hell, even their potato salad has just the right mustard tang.

Our neighborhood Mississippi kite just flew over. It’s nice to see they are still hanging in the vicinity even though I can’t see them perching.

The crepe myrtles are in full bloom now. Except for the one in the middle under all of the shade. Like the honeysuckle that used to provide the odor of summer out here… the thick shade has done it in.

Well, as pleasant as it actually is sitting on the porch, it’s getting to be time to move on. Stay safe, stay healthy, and have a cool and fun day somewhere out of the heat.

2 thoughts on “Sunday, July 12, 2020

  1. I can’t believe that it’s still cloudy here — at least, a little. Every little bit helps, although we’re hitting 92/105 just now. Despite my impulse to roam outdoors, I believe this is a day for indoors pleasures. Can you believe I had to look at a map to know where Manvel is? I guess the only time I head up 6 is to visit Froberg’s, and I don’t pay any attention to anything else.

    1. The clouds didn’t last here that long. Even Froberg’s doesn’t appeal. Trust me, before i moved to Alvin, I would have had a hard time figuring out where it is. But, then again, before we moved to Alvin, Hwy 6 was 2 lanes and there wasn’t much in Manvel at all.

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