Saturday, July 11, 2020

Another of those sticky mornings. Air heavy enough to see across the way. But, I won’t complain… it’s still green out.

It’s always a bit quieter out here on the back porch. No traffic sounds, the birds are a little more removed. Not as much tree canopy right above your head.

I’m really happy my neighbors to the east were restrained from building quite as far back as they might have… I still have the viewshed of their backyard added to mine. And, the added benefit of not having to mow it.

These heavy, sticky days always start out still… not a breath of a breeze. The prognosticators are foretelling of temperatures approaching the century mark today. That should send the feels like numbers up toward the 120 mark. Not a good day for outdoor activities.

It’s a funny thing… watching the news here lately, the only political ads I’m seeing are paid for and approved by Donald Trump. Now living where I live I might understand that if it was broadcast TV. But, good progressives that I am, I watch MSNBC and NBC news. So the only thing those attack ads are doing is riling up his opponents base… and putting advertising dollars into his favorite punching bag, the lamestream media. The only conclusion I can draw is the Donald spends a lot of time watching MSNBC when he isn’t watching Fox and Friends, and he wants to see himself on their air in his own dystopian view of the state of the union. But, like everything that comes from Donald, his ads have little in common with the truth.

The Donald wants to throw a party in 2021… and he wants to invite us all to Armageddon… I’ve seen the pre-party, I think I’ll just take a pass on his celebration.

On that depressing note I’ll take my leave. Stay safe, stay healthy, and enjoy the summery day.

2 thoughts on “Saturday, July 11, 2020

  1. Let’s see. What are today’s projects? (1) A trip to the farmers’ market to pick up my pre-ordered produce, (2) a trip to HEB, and (3) laundry. Otherwise, it’s going to be a good day to stay out of the heat, work on blog posts, and sort through photos. I had enough heat at work this past week to keep me inside today. But tomorrow? Maybe a very, very early trip to east Texas to see how the Liatrus are doing — but I’ll leave before dawn, and be home by noonish. It’s too hot for any serious time in the woods.

    1. Like you, we have a grocery store run in the offing. Though I usually save HEB for a weekday afternoon. Today it’ll be a Kroger run. If we had a bigger HEB I’d be more inclined to shop there for everything. Enjoy your roadtrip, I’ll look forward to seeing the pictures.

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