I thought I’d try the front porch this morning. Yesterday I moved the spare floor fan around so these morning muses wouldn’t be to uncomfortable as the sun rises.

I am joined again by a cattle egret wandering through the yard looking for breakfast. A Carolina wren is wandering from bush to bush hunting insects.
On this side of the house the background hum is crickets and not the cicada buzz from the backyard. Also, the floor fan makes a more pronounced hum than the ceiling fans out back.

The sun lit the tops of the trees before backlighting a bank of clouds to the east. The weather prognosticators are foretelling of a decent chance of rain today. If I were to judge by the look of the sky right now, I’d have to say they were stretching. But, if a lifetime on the Texas coast has taught be anything at all, it’s don’t bet against a change in the weather.
After ignoring the news all weekend, it’s time to go in and see if we are still here… try and have a healthy, peaceful week. And please, Mr. President, lose your iPhone, or at least have a senior moment and forget your Twitter password… America would be a better place without your tweet storms.
I agree that President Trump forgetting that password would be a good thing. On the other hand, given what I see on Twitter when I dare peek in suggests a week or two with the nation off Twitter would be a good thing. Discussion of hard issues is one thing; toddler-like word heaving is quite another!
That’s why, even though I have Twitter accounts, I seldom bother to check the feeds.