Sunday, June 7, 2020

One of the best investments I made in designing this house was the ceiling fans on the back porch. While, one of the missed opportunities was not adding them to the front porch. That 20/20 hindsight will bite you in the buttocks every time.

The breeze is out of the east this morning. Evidence of Cristobal churning out in the Gulf… The storm as I write this is east-southeast of me heading for the eastern Louisiana coast.

Our local weather is definitely warm. Already above 80 degrees with the prognosticators foretelling a high in the upper 90’s.

A small group of cattle egrets just flushed from the back yard. The cicadas are singing their summer call for hot and humid. Me… I’m still sitting here dreaming daydreams of cool springtime days.

I will say, the wedgewood blue skies can’t be beat for their gorgeous color.

I haven’t mentioned them this year but the dragonflies are back on patrol. There are dozens flying back and forth. Sadly, once the county took to fighting the mosquitoes by air, our dragonfly population took an enormous hit… along with the lightning bugs… the fireflies. Most nights I can still step outside and see at least one firefly all year round.

Time to head in and do something about breakfast. The heat is rising and the coffee cup is not…