Thursday, May 28, 2020

The morning is cool and bright. No evidence of the excessive heat to come by afternoon.

The prognosticators are foretelling of more rain in the early afternoon. But the forecasted high is still in the upper 80’s. Their scrying is calling for a upward rising trend with 90’s within the week.

I’m hearing the cicadas for the first time this year. Maybe I should really have said I’m noticing the cicadas for the first time this year.

What I’m not hearing is any real variety in the bird songs these days. I hear lots of cardinals, blue Jays are common, the chickadees and the titmice are back after an uncommon absence… but I miss the mockingbirds.

The coffee cup is empty, so I’m going to bring these muses to an end. Catch you on the other side.

2 thoughts on “Thursday, May 28, 2020

  1. You must not have gotten the weather we did yesterday afternoon, or I’ll bet you would have mentioned it! It wasn’t just the rain over here — it was the severe winds and hail. They say we might have a little more this afternoon, but I hope it’s not a repeat.

    I think the mockingbirds sang early this year. Then, they all got mated up, and went silent. I haven’t heard one singing in weeks — it’s all the cardinals and wrens.

    1. Linda, we had a line move thru… Evidently not quite as bad as what went by you. It was windy at first , then heavy rain for a short time before it tapered off. No hail that I saw.

      And I agree with you about them singing early, but usually I still see some around and I don’t think I’ve seen one this month.

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