Another blustery, cool, overcast morning coffee muses.
Some form of swallow or swift is flying along the ground this morning. I can’t catch the coloration in the low light. Add to that, I’ve never been able to quite identify the swallow/swifts that fly out from under the bridges around here and you see my problem.
The one constant on both porches is the ruby-throated hummingbirds. This has been the longest we’ve had a migration hang around waiting for the proper conditions to move on.
A murder of crows is raising a ruckus along the bayou. Not an uncommon sound around here, but one I haven’t heard often of late.
I’m fairly used to the overcast skies this fall, but this third cool morning in a row is a pleasant surprise. I almost feel the need for long sleeves and pants… almost. What isn’t needed is the ceiling fans.
The one thing the weather has changed is the mosquitoes. Haven’t been bothered by one in days … knock on wood!
A mockingbird is singing again. It’s a song I associate more with long summer days than the cool days of autumn.
According to the prognoticaters, this will be the last of the really cool mornings for a bit. The lingering summer that we’ve had is pretty much over, but once again we’re headed into the upper 70’s.
Well, once again my coffee’s gone. Time to go in for a refill.